Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Conversation with Jason Schellen

In the fall some of our Business students had the opportunity to talk with Jason Shellen about entrepreneurship, starting a business, and the high-tech field. Jason is currently CEO of Thing Labs, makers of the Twitter/Facebook app Brizzly. Previously he was an employee of Pyra Labs and worked on Blogger as it was acquired by Google, and he was the founding product manager of Google Reader.

Jason has graciously agreed to talk with students this semester as well, and he’ll be Skyping in this Thursday for about fifty minutes. If all goes well with the technology, we’ll be ustreaming it as well, so feel free to join us on our ustream channel at approximately 12:15 – 1:10 pm MST (UTC/GMT -7).

Update 2-25-10: Here's the ustream archive.

1 comment:

  1. I think its good to bring in people to talk to the students. It opens our eyes to see what we can do when we set our mind on something and work hard at the task. I love how the technology today allows us to bring in the important people or people from a different state or country. I hope you students enjoyed Mr. Schellen interview.
