Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Wiki is the Winner

I know I posted about wikis very recently, but I wanted to post this additional one since we'll be talking about wikis during our September 7th session with cohort 1 and wanted you guys to think about this some in advance.

Imagine this assignment for your class.
Class, your assignment is to get into groups and research our solar system and - specifically - to explain to the rest of the class how many planets we have in our solar system and how astronomers determined this.

Group A, you are only allowed to use printed resources that we have in the building. You need to use only trusted resources and you need to cite your sources. Some places to look are in your textbook and the encyclopedia. Please be sure to be thorough in your explanation so that the rest of the class really understands not only your "answer," but the issues surrounding this.

Group B, you are not allowed to use any printed resources in the building, you are only allowed to use resources you find on the web. You, also, must use trusted resources and you need to cite your sources. Please be sure to be thorough in your explanation so that the rest of the class really understands not only your "answer," but the issues surrounding this.

Both groups should use whatever visual aids you can find to help demonstrate your thinking.
OK, so this is a little bit of a setup, but I think you get the point. In case it's not as obvious as I think it is, check out the Wikipedia articles on Pluto and the Solar System, as well as the article on the "current event." Then - in your spare time - please check out the print resources we have at Arapahoe . . .


  1. Thus the reason I am so excited to change what I do in my government more 3 year delays!

  2. Lauren and I are having our seniors create a wiki space for Life of Pi. They have topic/thematic groups and will put quotes, definitions, etc. on their wiki page. The group will divide and conquer to discover the meaning behind the words and actions in the text. I will let you all know how it goes. Here is our wiki---we start on Friday:

  3. I only skimmed this info, but I get the point. We are living in the world as it is turning and we need to keep up using the reasources that we have at hand.
