Sunday, July 16, 2006

NECC - Ten Timely Technology Topic Tips

This will be the first in a series of short posts regarding sessions I attended at NECC. I had originally intended to blog each session more in-depth like I did for the TIE Conference. But I wasn't able to blog at the conference, then had four days in San Diego with my family, then back home to a very long to-do list. So I'll just include short observations of some of the sessions, as well as links and some quotes that I found thought-provoking.

The presenters for this session were very entertaining, but I wish they'd spent a little more time on content and a little less time on humor. They discussed ways to help teachers (and schools) move along in the appropriate use of technology. They have a nice website that appears to duplicate their presentation for the most part.
Quote 1: Build a good team (for technology staff development) and feed them well.
Quote 2: The laptop computer is now your office - most of the other needs have gone away. So what about our students - what is (or should be) their office?
We have done the first one (although I guess the feeding part needs some work). My answer to the second one is - of course - that students are the ultimate "information workers" so they should have access to the appropriate tools to accomplish that - which means they should all have laptops (definitely at the high school level, and probably starting around fourth or fifth grade).

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