Thursday, October 21, 2010

This I Believe Goes Global: 2010-11 Edition

Once again Maura Moritz's and Anne Smith's classes will be conducting their This I Believe Goes Global project in their ninth grade English classes. You can read in more detail on Anne's blog, but here are the highlight's:
  1. Classes from around the world are matched up, write their This I Believe Essays/record the podcasts, upload them to a wiki, and then students peer edit/respond to essays in the paired class. Read much more on Anne's post or visit the wiki to learn more.

  2. If your class(es) are interested in participating, fill out this Google Form. Then we'll get back to you reasonably soon.

  3. If you're interested in participating as an adult and posting your essay/podcast, go to this page and knock yourself out. (Note: concussions are very serious, please don't actually knock yourself out.)
If you have any questions that aren't answered by Anne's post or the wiki, please contact me.


  1. This such a great idea!!! I'm a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I do believe I will participate in this project. It is so great to connect people from around the world. Once we understand how similar or how different we all are, we can better connect and work together.

  2. I love this idea, but I only teach 8th grade. They are advanced, but it may not be a high enough level.

    However, I would love to email you about how to set this up for a middle school group.


  3. Brian - I responded to your email.
